Terms and Conditions

  1. These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”), as may be amended from time to time, constitutes a binding agreement governing the access and/or use of the website savwealth.com, our mobile application, or any other such equivalent platform (“Platform”) provided by SAV, owned and operated by La Crème De La Crème Services LLP. SAV requests you to carefully read, review, and understand these Terms prior to browsing, using and/or accessing the Platform in any manner whatsoever. By accessing the Platform or any part of the Platform, and/or by becoming a Registered User, you irrevocably and unconditionally are agreeing to comply with, abide by and be bound by all the obligations as stipulated in the Terms, which together with our Privacy Policy, all the relevant disclaimers on the Platform including for each Service being offered (“Disclaimers”) and any other applicable policies which are incorporated herein by way of reference or available by savwealth.com, govern SAV’s relationship with you in relation to the Platform. If you do not agree with any of these Terms including the Privacy Policy and/or the Disclaimers, you must not use this Platform and/or the Services being offered by SAV. If you are entering into these Terms on behalf of a legal entity or any other individual, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity/individual to these Terms.

The terms and expressions defined by way of inclusion in quotes shall have the meanings so ascribed to them, as provided below.
“User Account shall mean an account opened with SAV by the Registered Users, for using the Platform (including by way of making investments through the Platform);
“AMC” shall mean Asset Management Companies;
“BSE” shall mean Bombay Stock Exchange;
“Force Majeure Event” shall mean any event due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of SAV, including without limitations, unavailability of any communication systems, breach, or virus in the processes or payment or delivery mechanism, sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, acts of god, civil commotion, strikes or industrial action of any kind, riots, insurrection, war, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorised access to computer data and storage devices, computer crashes, malfunctioning in the computer terminal or the systems getting affected by any malicious, destructive or corrupting code or program, mechanical or technical errors/failures or power shut down, faults or failures in telecommunication etc;
Privacy Policy” shall mean the privacy policy of SAV accessible at savwealth.com, as may be modified from time to time;
“Registered User” or “Registered Customer” shall mean and include the users or customers who have a User Account with SAV to avail the Services or any part thereof, as provided on the Platform;
“SAV” or “us” or “we” or “our” shall mean and refer to La Crème De La Crème Services LLP and its affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners and licensors;
“Services” means all the services as specified in these Terms and modified from time to time;
“User/user”, “You/you”, “Your/your” shall mean any person or user or Registered User or viewer or Registered Customer who views, browses, accesses or uses the Platform and/or avails any Services being offered by SAV.

  1. Additionally, SAV, through its digital Platform, provides technology solutions and facilitate online transactions for monitoring/reviewing investment portfolios and services offered by other entities that are registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India and other such relevant government/regulatory bodies such as stockbrokers and other service providers (“Partners”). With respect to such Partners, SAV only assists with referrals and references for services being provided by the Partners and is not providing any investment advice or financial services of any kind (including investment advisory/financial planning, portfolio management, broking, investment research, trade settlement or any other similar service). All such relevant service / investment advice/ financial services will be provided directly by the Partners, under separate terms, contracts, and documentation as between you and the relevant Partner. The Platform may also display details of mutual fund schemes, their objectives, past performances, new schemes launched by AMCs and other such information, as may be updated from time to time. However, SAV will not be liable or responsible for the accuracy of the information / details displayed.
  2. Any information contained in brochures, reports, presentations provided by SAV or other materials and/or information displayed on the Platform or otherwise communicated by SAV shall not be construed as investment advice, legal advice, or tax advice. You shall not, under any circumstances, make investment decisions based on the information provided by SAV in brochures, reports or presentations or displayed on the Platform. All decisions relating to purchase, sell, managing, or otherwise transacting units of mutual funds made by user shall be on the basis of personal judgment after carefully examining scheme’s past performance, future prospects, other related facts/information as provided by concerned Asset Management Company (AMC) SAV does not in any manner:
  • Guarantee payments on any units;
  • Guarantee liquidity of any units;
  • Make any offer to buy back any units;
  • Guarantee the redemption or repayment of any units on maturity;
  • Guarantee the payments of interest or dividend;
  • Promise, indicate or guarantee any returns;
  • Guarantee any goods delivery;
  • Subscribe to units of mutual funds on behalf or in name of user or collects payments from user for the units so purchased by user for remitting it further to the AMCs;
  • Redeem / sell the units held by user or on its behalf or in its name; or unilaterally instruct the mutual fund and/or the corresponding AMCs with regards to nomination / changes in investments plan / any other changes;
  • Sign any document on behalf of or in the name of User for purchase, sale or redemption of units;
  • Collect, receive and/or give receipts and discharges for any sum including dividend, interest or income arising from the units and does not sign and/or endorse dividend and interest warrants on my/our behalf or in my/our name;
  • Correspond with or gives notice to the mutual fund/AMCs on behalf of or in the name of user, except for transmission of transactions done or purported to be done by User on the Platform; or
  • Make any promises to the user basis the graphical representation provided on the Platform.
  1. Any data collected from the User by SAV to provide the services and any data generated by SAV shall not be construed as any SAV providing any investment advice to the User. SAV does not offer any investment advice and nothing herein or on the Platform shall be construed as investment advice.
  1. Any sum invested through the Platform is not a deposit with SAV and/or LCDLC and is not bank insured. All payments for availing mutual fund relating services are made by a User directly to the designated bank account(s) of concerned Mutual Fund scheme(s) and/or designated collection account(s) of respective AMC(s). The same is not endorsed or guaranteed and does not constitute obligations of SAV or any of its subsidiaries, associates or affiliates companies whose role in only as described in these Terms. Investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks, including the possible loss of principal amount invested. The value of the units purchased or not purchased will fluctuate. If User redeems the units purchased, User may receive more or less than User has/had paid depending upon net asset value of the units in the fund or trust at the time of redemption. Past results are not a guarantee to future performance. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.


  • User acknowledges that in accessing and using the Platform and/or the Services offered by SAV, user may utilize the content and/or Services offered on the Platform. User agrees to follow and be bound by these Terms for the use of the Platform, as may be updated by SAV from time to time. User acknowledges and agrees to the following, that:
  • Access to Services will be granted by SAV only to Registered Customers of SAV through a registered User Account. User shall provide the required details and documents for the purpose of the registration, access and use of the Platform.
  • Login Credentials should be kept safe and secure to prevent unauthorized access to your User Account. If you think that the security of your User Account has been compromised, change your password, and contact us immediately for further assistance, on the following e-mail: support@savwealth.com. SAV shall not be responsible for any transactions arising out of any loss, unauthorized use, or misuse of login credentials or security credentials. You shall take adequate security measures to prevent any unauthorised access to your User Account, and SAV shall not be liable for any such unauthorised access. All orders, transactions or purchased entered and transactions done by any person on the Platform using your Login Credentials shall be deemed to be given by you.
  • The User Account of the user will be activated after SAV completes the verification process of the personal information provided at the time of registration in accordance with the Know Your Client (“KYC“) guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI“), other such relevant regulatory bodies, and applicable laws through a SEBI approved KYC Registration Agency (KRA Agency). For registration and use of the Platform, the User will need to provide the details (as more specifically referred to under the Privacy Policy at savwealth.com).
  • User shall not modify, translate, decompile, reverse-engineer, copy, reproduce, sell, redistribute, publish, enter into a database, display, perform, modify, transmit, license, create derivatives from, transfer or in any way exploit any part of any information, content, materials, services available from or through the Platform, except that which user may download for personal, non‐commercial use.
  • User shall not use the Platform for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms and applicable laws or regulations. User also agrees that he/she will not use the Platform in any manner that could damage, disable or impair the Platform or interfere with any other person’s use or access of the Platform. You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Platform and computer systems or networks connected to it, through hacking or otherwise. You agree that you will not engage in any activities related to the Platform that are contrary to the applicable laws or regulations in force.
  • The information on the Platform, including the text, images, audio and video (if any), shall not be distributed, reproduced, displayed, modified, transmitted, reused, reported, or used for public or commercial purposes without the prior written permission of SAV. All rights, title and interest in the Platform including the underlying software and hardware, trademarks, logos, service marks, information and content provided on Platform, its design structure and compilation are privately owned intellectual property rights of SAV (and/or its parent companies, affiliates, agents, associates and/or subsidiaries) and/ or SAV is otherwise permitted to use the same under applicable laws and SAV reserves all rights with respect to ownership/use of all such intellectual property and nothing on the Platform grants any license or right to use any information, image, trademark, logo or service mark on the Platform.
  • User shall not publish or attempt to publish on the Platform or any other computer source in relation the platform the following any data, information or content which is in violation of any applicable laws including information or content that:
  1. belongs to another person and to which the user does not have any right;
  2. is defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, invasive of another’s privacy, insulting or harassing on the basis of gender, libellous, racially or ethnically objectionable, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise inconsistent with or contrary to the laws in force;
  3. infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights;
  4. deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of the message or knowingly and intentionally communicates any information which is patently false or misleading in nature but may reasonably be perceived as a fact;
  5. impersonates another person;
  6. threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign States, or public order, or causes incitement to the commission of any cognisable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting other nation;
  7. contains software virus or any other computer code, file or program designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource;
  8. is patently false and untrue, and is written or published in any form, with the intent to mislead or harass a person, entity or agency for financial gain or to cause any injury to any person;
  9. SAV has the absolute discretion to amend or supplement any of these Terms at any time and/or to suspend and/or deny access to the Platform for scheduled or unscheduled maintenance, upgrades, improvements or corrections or otherwise. It shall be User’s responsibility to review these Terms periodically for any updates/changes. The date of last revision appears at the top and all changes take effect immediately upon posting. Upon your continued use and/or access of this Platform, you hereby consent to these Terms, as may be amended, updated or modified from time to time.
  10. As long as User complies with these Terms, we grant user a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited privilege to enter and use the Platform for the purposes as specified in these Terms and as per applicable laws and regulations.
  11. User hereby irrevocably and unconditionally grants no objection to SAV and the mutual funds / Registered Transfer Agents to collate the transaction details relating to the investments in mutual fund units done by User on the Platform, and further agrees for the provision and retention of such transaction data by SAV for further processing of user transactions.
  12. In the event, if any discrepancy is found, in any of the information provided by the User, for example, information in any of the documents provided does not match with the adjoining documents, such mismatch shall lead to the rejection of User registration. The privacy of the documents provided or any such personally identifiable information provided to SAV will be maintained in accordance to the Privacy Policy at savwealth.com
  13. User agrees that any and / or all information that may be provided by you to SAV from time to time, including but not limited to contact information, address and/ or any other information required under existing or future KYC or other norms and laws, may be shared by SAV with the regulatory authorities/mutual funds/BSE/AMCs or their respective authorized service providers, auditors, legal and tax consultants in compliance with the extant legal provisions from time to time.


  1. User shall provide any and all information that may be required by SAV/AMC/authorised service providers of the AMC and/or the Partners including any information as may be requested by government from time to time in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to contact information, address and tax related information and any information required under existing or future KYC norms and applicable laws. User agrees that SAV/AMC/authorized service providers of the AMC and/or the Partners may take steps to verify the veracity of such information provided and shall co-operate with SAV/AMC/authorized service providers of AMC and/or the Partners in providing all information requested by SAV. User acknowledges that failure to provide such information in a timely manner may result in ineligibility to avail of some or all of the Services of SAV and that SAV shall in no way be held liable for any losses, damages or liabilities of whatsoever nature resulting from such failure to provide information on part of the User.
  1. The information and documents provided by the User shall be governed in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy. In the event that a User provides inaccurate or incomplete information, any loss or risk arising from such information shall be at the sole risk and consequence of the User. SAV and the Partners reserve the right to not provide services in case of any incomplete or inaccurate information.


  1. There may be an exit load applicable to certain mutual fund schemes which is mentioned in the respective offer documents including Scheme Information Document (SID) /Key Information Memorandum (KIM) and addendums issued thereto from time to time (collectively referred to as “Scheme Related Documents“) by the AMCs. Users shall read all the Scheme Related Documents before making any transaction on the Platform.
  1. Investments from persons from the country other than India may not be permitted in certain mutual funds. SAV shall not be liable for rejection of an application by mutual funds, where the investor is a person from a country other than India or such other prohibited investor as may be specified in the respective Scheme Related Documents from time to time.
  1. Purchase requests made through the Platform will be processed by the respective mutual funds or their designated Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) only after funds sufficient to cover the purchase price and other costs and charges have been received by the respective mutual funds. Payments towards the purchase price and other costs and charges shall be made by the Registered Customers through NEFT or the payment gateway or other electronic means made available by SAV on the Platform. If for any reason the mutual fund is unable to allow a transaction for purchase or redemption of the full quantity of units transacted by a Registered Customer through the Platform, the respective mutual fund/ its designated RTA shall be entitled to process a lesser quantity of units being purchased or redeemed (as the case may be) by such Registered Customer. In such a case, SAV shall not be held responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever, for the non-execution of transactions for the entire quantity or the remaining quantity of units by a mutual fund.
  1. Transaction rights for Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) and Systematic Transfer Plans (STPs) will be pursuant to the Registered Customer executing the instructions, in the manner and form as prescribed by SAV and / or mutual funds on the Platform from time to time. The instructions will be applicable to all SIP, STP transactions whether presently existing or to be opened in future. User agrees that, upon granting such instructions for SIP, STP transactions, user will be bound by the terms of the relevant SIP and STP scheme of the mutual fund to which user subscribes.
  1. SAV shall in no way be responsible or held liable for any delay thereof, including for loss of interest and / or opportunity loss and / or any loss arising due to movement in NAV or any other losses, liabilities, damages, costs, charges, expenses which the investor(s) may sustain, incur or suffer or be put to or become liable or incur directly or indirectly by reason or as a consequence of any delay thereof.
  1. User acknowledge that the units of the scheme shall be allotted, redeemed or switched, as the case may be, by the respective mutual funds at the applicable NAV of the concerned mutual fund scheme as provided by mutual funds and consistent with the terms of the Scheme. However, SAV shall not be liable for any loss that may arise to user as a result of incorrect NAV applied on units allotted to user by the mutual fund.
  1. User acknowledges that any transactions done on a holiday would be processed on the next business day and the NAV would be applicable as per the respective Scheme Related Documents.
  1. User acknowledges that transactions once placed cannot be cancelled. However, user can withdraw money by redeeming the mutual fund units. Upon such withdrawal, the settlement amount towards the mutual fund or the units of Mutual fund shall be credited to the registered account of the user as per the specified pay out time prescribed by SEBI / AMFI / AMC for the particular scheme / scheme category.
  1. User acknowledges that any directions pertaining to all transactions including withdrawal, STP and switch transactions provided by the User from its User Account shall be deemed to be considered as the bona-fide order placed by the User.
  1. User have read and understood the contents of the Scheme Related Documents and the details of the scheme, and they have not received or been induced by any rebate or gifts, directly or indirectly, in making investment. User hereby declare that the amount invested/to be invested using Platform in the scheme(s) of Mutual Fund(s) is derived through legitimate sources and is not held or designed for the purpose of contravention of any act, rules, regulations or any statute or legislation or any other applicable laws or any notifications, directions issued by any governmental or statutory authority from time to time.
  1. User acknowledge and grants no objection to SAV to do or place transaction requests for the User on the Platform upon receipt of a request / instructions from the User and at User’s own risk and cost, all or any of the following acts, deeds matters and things:
  1. To forward User transaction data and requests to the respective mutual funds/BSE with respect to the instructions and orders of sale, redemption, purchase, transfer, splitting and consolidation of mutual funds units.
  2. To transmit to the mutual fund and/or the BSE, information relating to user nomination/changes in investment plan/ any other changes made through the online platform.
  3. To obtain and forward to the BSE/AMC, their authorized registrar User’s information as available in the KYC records, including User signature(s). User agrees that such records may be used by the BSE/AMC/authorised registrar for authorizing the transactions that may be submitted by user in physical/offline mode.
  4. To contact user regarding matters pertaining to the operation of User Account including, but not limited to, servicing of User’s requests, communication of special offers, new product launches and product recommendations. This consent will override any registration for Do Not Call (“DNC”) / National Do Not Call (“NDNC”).
  1. Holding pattern and Customer details. User acknowledge and agree that the SAV holding pattern of the Registered Customer, as reflected in the SAV system and/or the Platform, is deemed to be the holding pattern of the User Account holder/investors. User also agrees there will be no changes allowed in the holding pattern of the investor / Registered Customer associated with the User Account once the User Account is activated. User agrees that once an investment is made using the holding pattern, User will not be allowed to change the holding pattern for the subscriptions, without consent of SAV.

  1. User Account Statemen User agree and acknowledges that it shall be the obligation of the AMC and not of SAV to regularly send to the Registered Customer such communications as required under the applicable laws and regulations, including those prescribed by SEBI.
  1. Fees and Charges. User acknowledges that SAV reserves the right to charge fees in the future for the Services or any other services offered by SAV. Any such changes will be communicated by SAV via email 30 (thirty) days ahead of implementation and will be displayed on the Platform. Under such circumstances, user has the option to transfer its assets out of its User Account without incurring any costs payable to SAV. User agrees and understands that any such charges/fees that SAV may choose to levy will be in addition to those levied by the mutual funds, if any. All fees, charges and reimbursement of expenditure shall be paid or made in full by User without any counter claim, set off or withholding. All liabilities and obligations of the Registered Customers hereunder to SAV / mutual fund / AMCs/ trustees / Partners of the AMC shall be joint and / or several, as the case may be.


  1. SAV may provide you links to third party services (“Third Party Services“). You agree to use these Third Party Services at your sole risk and that we shall not have any liability to you for your use or access of such Third Party Services, including with respect to content that may be found to be offensive, indecent, or objectionable. User understands that certain Services may display, include or make available content, data, information, applications or materials from third parties (“Third Party Materials“) or provide links to certain third party websites. By using the Third Party Services, you acknowledge and agree that SAV is not responsible for examining or evaluating the content, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, copyright compliance, legality, decency, quality or any other aspect of such Third Party Materials or websites. SAV DOES NOT WARRANT OR ENDORSE AND DOES NOT ASSUME AND WILL NOT HAVE ANY LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY THIRD PARTY SERVICES, THIRD PARTY MATERIALS OR WEBSITES, OR FOR ANY OTHER MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, OR SERVICES OF THIRD PARTIES.


  1. SAV shall not in be liable whether in contract, tort or otherwise to User for any act, omission or delay by the mutual fund/BSE/AMC/Partners or any other such third-parties, or otherwise arising. SAV shall further not be liable for any direct or indirect, consequential, incidental, claims, loss, liability, damage which User may suffer or incur as a result of or in course or discharge by SAV or its employees, officers, directors, nominee or agent of their respective duties, or on account of reliance on the information contained on the Platform or relating to any third-party websites.
  1. Without prejudice to the above, SAV shall not be held liable for any loss, liability, damage or failure to comply or delay in complying with its obligations under these Terms, relating to any event, matter circumstances that is beyond SAV’s control including any system failure, network errors, delay or loss of data due to the above or a Force Majeure Event. User further agree that SAV shall not be held liable for any losses, damages, expenses, costs, liabilities and claims of whatsoever nature caused by fraudulent or unauthorized use or access of user information, Login Credentials and/or signatures.
  1. SAV will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost, charges or expenses directly or indirectly caused by reasons of any defects or imperfections or mechanical or other failure with relation to computer, cable, telex, telephone or postal system. While SAV will make every effort to have its computer systems available at all times, SAV makes no guarantee with respect to the availability of such systems. SAV will make every effort to resolve availability issues such as network problems, virus attacks etc. in an expeditious manner. Notwithstanding these, SAV shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, cost, charges or expenses directly or indirectly caused by reasons of lack of such availability.
  1. SAV is not responsible for the availability of content or other services on third party websites linked from the Platform. User agrees and is aware that access of savwealth.com to other internet sites are at users own risk and the content, accuracy, opinions expressed, and other links provided by these sites are not verified, monitored or endorsed by SAV in any way. SAV does not make any warranties and expressly disclaims all warranties express or implied, including without limitation, those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement with respect to any information or services or products that are available or advertised or sold through these third party websites.
  1. The information provided on the Platform is merely illustrative, without any assurance or guarantee of any nature (relating to making of profits, loss avoidance or otherwise) and is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied (including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose). SAV assumes no responsibility, makes no warranty or representation, whether express or implied, and disclaims any consequences or liabilities with respect to any mistakes, omissions, inaccuracies and typographical errors in the information mentioned on the Platform.
  1. You assume all risk of errors and/or omissions in this Platform, including the transmission or translation of information. You assume full responsibility for implementing sufficient procedures and checks to satisfy your requirements for the accuracy and suitability of this Platform.


  1. For the purposes of funds transfer for purchase of units of mutual funds by a User, SAV has availed services of a third party electronic payment gateway, and ONLY internet banking facility will be offered for transactions carried out on the Platform through the third party net banking service provider registered with the Reserve Bank of India (“Electronic Payment Gateway”). User shall not use or permit the use of the Electronic Payment Gateway or any related services for any illegal or improper purposes or in violation of any applicable laws.
  2. Users shall utilize the Electronic Payment Gateway at their own risk. These risks would include but not be limited to the following risks listed below and SAV disclaims all liability and responsibility for any claims, losses, damages, costs of whatsoever nature arising due to such risks:
  1. Misuse of Password:If any third party obtains access to User password of the User Account, such third party would be able to transact on Platform. User shall ensure that the terms and conditions applicable to the use of the net banking facilities as specified by the Electronic Payment Gateway for net banking are complied with at all times.
  2. Internet Frauds:The internet per se is susceptible to a number of frauds, misuse, hacking and other actions, which could affect payment instructions given using Electronic Payment Gateway or the transactions done using the Platform. User shall evaluate all risks arising out of the same.
  3. Mistakes and Errors:The filling in of applicable data for transfer would require proper, accurate and complete details. In the event of a User Account receiving an incorrect credit by reason of a mistake committed by any third party, the concerned mutual fund/AMC or the bank shall be entitled to reverse the incorrect credit at any time whatsoever without the consent of the User. User shall be liable and responsible to accept any such instructions received from the AMC, without questions for any unfair or unjust gain obtained by SAV as a result of the same.
  4. Technology Risks:The technology for enabling the transfer of funds and the other services offered by the Electronic Payment Gateway and/or SAV could be affected by virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, program or macro. Platform or the bank may require maintenance and during such time it may not be possible to process the user request. This could result in delays in the processing of transactions / payment instructions or failure in the processing of transactions / payment instructions and other such failures and inability. SAV shall not be responsible for any of the aforesaid risks.
  5. Limits: SAV may from time to time impose maximum and minimum limits on funds that may be transferred by virtue of the payment transfer services. User realizes and accepts and agrees that the same is to reduce risks to the User. User shall be bound by such limits imposed and shall strictly comply with them.
  6. Indemnity: User shall indemnify SAV from and against all losses and damages that may be caused as a consequence of breach of any of the terms and conditions specified by an Electronic Payment Gateway for net banking.
  7. Authentication of the Transaction: Banks has all the right to cancel, reject and/or unauthorize the transaction made by the User. Such payment which is rejected by the banks shall be notified or intimated to the user by the Bank only.

Any notice or other correspondence addressed by SAV to user may be addressed to the address provided by the Users at the time of registration. If according to a User there is any discrepancy in the particular or details of transaction or account of statement then, it shall be the responsibility of the User to intimate the same to the concerned mutual fund/AMC/authorised registrar of the AMC/Partners in writing within 7 (seven) working days of notice of such discrepancies thereof, falling which such transaction, statement or account (as the case may be) shall be deemed to be correct and accepted by User and User shall not be entitled to question the correctness or accuracy thereof.
In case of disagreement with any of these Terms including any updated/amended Terms and in case of any non-observance and/or non-performance of any of the provisions contained in these Terms including any applicable laws and regulations, SAV reserves a right to suspend your User Account and/or terminate the Services. SAV may at any time terminate the Services by giving 14 (fourteen) days prior notice in writing through e-mail and/or SMS to the Registered Customer provided that the Registered Customer shall not be relived of obligations hereunder notwithstanding such termination incurring prior to the date on which such termination shall become effective. Upon termination, SAV will continue to securely maintain a record of your personal information and your financial transactions to fulfil its regulatory obligations under applicable laws.

  1. All disputes and differences arising out of, under or in connection with these Terms or anything done hereunder shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Kolkata, India. These Terms are subject to and shall be construed in accordance with the laws prevalent in India.
  2. In the event of dispute between the User and SAV on accuracy of transaction details provided by the User on the Platform, the transaction logs maintained by SAV shall be the only and final source of data to verify the accuracy of such transactions.
  3. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR GRIEVANCES REGARDING THESE TERMS, DO GET IN TOUCH WITH US AT support@savwealth.in or get in touch with our grievance officer at:

Email ID – grievances@savwealth.in
Phone Number – 3340100000
Our Registered office address is as follows – 21 Esplanade Mansions, 14 Government Place, Kolkata, West Bengal – 700069

  1. Upon receipt of any notice of a grievance, the grievance officer shall acknowledge the receipt of such a notice and upon investigation, shall dispose-off the said application within such time as is required under applicable laws and regulations.


  1. Indemnification: You agree to indemnify SAV, its officers, directors, employees, representatives or agents from any losses, damages, claims, penalties, costs and demands (including reasonable attorney fees and legal costs) arising out of your breach, non-observance and/or non-performance of any of the provisions specified in these Terms herein.
  1. Severability: If any of the provisions of these Terms is held by a court of competent jurisdiction or an arbitration tribunal to be unenforceable under applicable law, then such provision shall be excluded from these Terms and the remainder of these Terms shall be interpreted as if such provision were so excluded and all the other remaining provision shall be enforceable in accordance with the terms thereof.
  1. Further Assurance: Each of the parties shall perform such further acts and execute such further documents as may reasonably be necessary to carry out and give full effect to the provisions of these Terms and the intentions of the parties as reflected hereby.
  1. Assignment: You shall not assign or otherwise transfer your rights under these Terms without written consent of SAV. However, SAV shall have a right to assign its rights and obligations under these Terms to any third-party including its affiliates, including pursuant to a change in control of SAV.